
Posts tagged "sarah robbins"

The Why Behind the What– The Importance Of Knowing Your Reason “WHY” in Network Marketing

One of the most important exercises you can do as you begin your business (and as you begin new partners in business) is to identify your “Reason Why”. What is driving you emotionally to develop a successful business?   Your “why” is your long term vision for success in your business.

Let me ask you a few questions: If time and money were no issue, how would your life look?   Where would you live? What would you drive? What would you do with your time? Would you have any debt?…

This 4th of July week, not only do I celebrate our Independence, I also celebrate my FREEDOM from the daily grind, and the 9-5! Check out this video to see why I think network marketing is the greatest gig on the planet–then read below for more =>

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Here’s why I believe Network Marketing truly ROCKS=>

This is a brilliant business model where instead of investing in advertising and celebrity endorsement, companies invest in our success. This opportunity allows us to leverage the integrity of big brands, and the time, talent and resources of our corporate dream teams.

Direct selling is a simple business model that doesn’t require a college degree, huge overhead, employees, or a brick and mortar shop.…

Summer is here, and now is the time to rock your network marketing business! We have so many opportunities to heat things up with travel, social events, etc! Check out my video below, for a little inspiration–then read below the video for top tips to build a rockin’ hot business this summer=>

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Sizzling Summer Tips from the Top:

1) Make the most of travel. While at hotels, or on the airplane ask people a lot of questions while networking: “What brings you to South Carolina. Where are you from? What do you do?” You can later bring the conversation back: “Earlier you mentioned you were from Florida.…

Are You In Love?

I know I am! What a blessing it is to walk out our reason “why” and do what we LOVE every single day! That’s what gets us so excited!!! I was looking back in messages, and found this little gem! I LOVE network marketing!! Enjoy…



Are You In LOVE???
Who is a good candidate for joining you in this business?
We say, “someone who is a people-person”. Yet we’ve seen people who are bona fide people-people, and don’t go far in this business. And people who have gone far in this business, yet who are not especially people-people.…

Hey there Rock Stars! Welcome to Day 28 of the 30 Day Challenge to Rock Your Network Marketing Business! #RYNMB30 (It’s not too late to join us! Start your 30 days on whatever day you find this challenge! ) For more info, and for a tracking sheet CLICK HERE!

If you missed yesterday’s post, we talked about how to GET GREAT CUSTOMERS, and today we want to talk about how to keep them happy! Watch the 5 minute video on keeping customers happy, and then find top tips below the video for ideas on how to get an army full of them yourself!…

Hey there Rock Stars! Welcome to Days 14-18 of the 30 Day Challenge to Rock Your Network Marketing Business! #RYNMB30 (It’s not too late to join us! Start your 30 days on whatever day you find this challenge! ) For more info, and for a tracking sheet CLICK HERE!

I’m really excited for our next few challenge posts, as they will touch on my favorite topic: SOCIAL MEDIA! Social media is not the only way, but rather A way to power prospect for new customers and consultants! Remember–nothing takes the place of bringing the conversation offline to tell them more about your business or product, but it is a great way to start up a conversation.…

Hey there Rock Stars! Welcome to Days 9, 10, and 11 of the 30 Day Challenge to Rock Your Network Marketing Business! #RYNMB30 (It’s not too late to join us! Start your 30 days on whatever day you find this challenge! ) For more info, and for a tracking sheet CLICK HERE!

You’ll notice that we are giving you 3 days to work on this challenge, but I still want you contacting your 2 NEW people each day about your business. I want you to take time on this challenge, as it’s a really great way to get your business in front of a lot of people at once, with EVENTS!…

Rock Stars!

Welcome to Day 8 of the 30 Day Challenge to Rock Your Network Marketing Business! #RYNMB30 (It’s not too late to join us! Start your 30 days on whatever day you find this challenge! ) For more info, and for a tracking sheet CLICK HERE!

As you make your 2 NEW contacts today, don’t forget to reach out to other local business owners and entrepreneurs. Call people you’ve done business with. Offer to meet up for coffee to learn about how you can best support each other, be referral sources for one another, and share each other’s businesses!

Watch this brief 1 minute to video to learn why, and how (if you can’t view it on your mobile device, be sure to check it out on a desktop computer!)…

Rock Stars! Welcome to Day 7 of the 30 Day Challenge to Rock Your Network Marketing Business! #RYNMB30 (It’s not too late to join us! Start your 30 days on whatever day you find this challenge! ) For more info, and for a tracking sheet CLICK HERE! As you make your 2 NEW contacts each day, don’t forget to revisit your customers about your opportunity! Watch this brief 1 minute to video to learn why, and how (if you can’t view it on your mobile device, be sure to check it out on a desktop computer!) I have posted some language underneath the video, on this blog post, so be sure to return after you watch it ===>

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IDEA: Call your customers today.

Hey there, I’m Sarah Robbins, author of the best-selling book “Rock Your Network Marketing Business”! I’m also the #1 earner for my company, and began earning a six-figure per MONTH income at the ripe old age of 29, thanks to our powerful profession!

Goal setting and accountability has been the key to my success in my network marketing business. In fact, just this morning, my husband and I sat down to write out our goals for 2014=>


Robbins Goals



One of my goals for my network marketing business? To recruit a minimum of 2 new distributors per month! How will I get there?…