
Posts tagged "Network Marketing"

The POWER of Personal and Professional Development in Network Marketing

Hey there rock stars, Sarah “Rockin” Robbins here! This month, I am starting a brand new series, where I share 3 simple keys that will unlock doors to lead you to a destiny of greatness in your business, and life!…

Fear of Starting (Yourself or Others) STRONG

Have you ever worried about how to start strong in your business? Afraid that you will not be able to get others off to a strong start if you bring them into the business?

Today we are going to talk about how to conquer the fear of starting (yourself/ others) STRONG–listen to this brief video message (which contains 3 tips to start strong–simply), then read below it for a little extra encouragement==>…

Have you ever been afraid to talk to people about your business? Are you worried about what people will say?

Today I am going to talk about the “fear of rejection”– specifically how to conquer the fear of rejection in network marketing–listen to this brief video message, then read below it for a little extra encouragement==>…

How to Overcome the Fear of Rejection in Network Marketing:

Hey there Rock Stars! This month of May, I wanted to talk to you a bit about managing our EMOTIONS and EXPECTATIONS in our business–as what we do as network marketing professionals is simple and systematic. So what keeps people from going the distance? It’s “what’s in between the ears”–our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. This month we will address that, and I believe you will be empowered with everything you need to succeed, and to truly “ROCK Your Network Marketing Business”! Be sure to subscribe to our emails to be notified when a new training is released on this topic!…

Managing Your Emotions and Expectations

Hey there Rock Stars! This month of May, I wanted to talk to you a bit about managing our EMOTIONS and EXPECTATIONS in our business–as what we do as network marketing professionals is simple and systematic. So what keeps people from going the distance? It’s “What’s in between the ears”–our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. This month we will address that, and I believe you will be empowered with everything you need to succeed, and to truly “ROCK Your Network Marketing Business”! Be sure to subscribe to our emails to be notified when a new training is released on this topic!…

Hey there Rock Stars!

Sarah Robbins here! I’m a former kindergarten teacher turned top network marketing leader! In my former profession, I would be in school today with my little kiddos, likely sitting in a circle, kicking off “Reading Month” in March! Since I no longer teach in a classroom, but still have the heart of a teacher–I thought we would kick off a “Story Series” here on the blog, each Monday in the month of March. After all, as network marketing professionals, we are paid story tellers!

Over the next few weeks I will teach you how to: craft a powerful product story that will make people want to learn more about your products; share your business story in a way that will make people want to learn more about joining your team; tell your company story in a packaged and professional way; and you’ll learn how to use social media to share your story, reach more people, and accelerate your results!…

“The Gift” Series–Your Love is a Gift


This month I am starting a series on the blog called “The Gift”. During December society places so much focus on giving material gifts–I want us to focus on the gifts we can give to others through sharing our lives, and our love. When we live with purpose, and on purpose–I believe that success follows. In fact, when Phil and I committed to increase our giving this year (through opening our orphanage and giving to many different ministries and projects), all of our businesses were accelerated and grew exponentially in 2014–and aside from giving more, we didn’t do anything different this year (don’t get me wrong–we’ve always worked hard though!)…

This 4th of July week, not only do I celebrate our Independence, I also celebrate my FREEDOM from the daily grind, and the 9-5! Check out this video to see why I think network marketing is the greatest gig on the planet–then read below for more =>

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Here’s why I believe Network Marketing truly ROCKS=>

This is a brilliant business model where instead of investing in advertising and celebrity endorsement, companies invest in our success. This opportunity allows us to leverage the integrity of big brands, and the time, talent and resources of our corporate dream teams.

Direct selling is a simple business model that doesn’t require a college degree, huge overhead, employees, or a brick and mortar shop.…

How to launch new markets virtually--You can successfully launch new markets if you’re long distance! I do it every day. How? Watch the video below–then read the blog below the video for a step-by-step approach=>

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What is a VBL?–it is a cross between a live event and an opportunity call, and it allows you to present powerfully with your team from anywhere in the world. VBLs come in handy when you are growing a market out of state (or the country) and it allows you to support a growing team there!

Here’s the types of technology I like to use for virtual launches and presentations:

Skype or Google Hangout– (which have a video component).  …

Sharing Your Story On Social Media

Social Media is a powerful place to tell your “story”, as social media is now the #1 activity on the web! Recently, Facebook traffic surpassed Google traffic. What does this mean to our business? Since we are living in a social economy, who you know and what they have to recommend is more influential now than ever before! People trust their friend’s opinions and recommendations. Social media is a great tool of engagement to expose people to your business and products.

When using social media, create posts that engage and inspire, and people will want to follow you!…