
Posts tagged "Network Marketing"

Prospecting and inviting is the most critical skill you need to develop to find success in your network marketing career. Prospecting is talking to people, and sharing your product and business, and inviting them to learn more via call, coffee, live meeting or event. How many will you have to talk to before you find success? Watch this video below to hear my odds–remember, yours could be different but it will give you a realistic idea of how long it could take, and that we need to maintain “marathon mentality”– it’s not a sprint or a race. Those who win, endure!…

Hey there Rock Stars! Welcome to Day 29 of the 30 Day Challenge to Rock Your Network Marketing Business! #RYNMB30 (It’s not too late to join us! Start your 30 days on whatever day you find this challenge! ) For more info, and for a tracking sheet CLICK HERE!

Check out this video about why you should NEVER QUIT your business, and then read a few inspiring examples below this video, in the blog post below=>

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Give Your Business Time To Grow

I want you to have a realistic expectation of what it will take, and how long it could take to be successful in your business.…

Hey there Rock Stars! Welcome to Day 26 of the 30 Day Challenge to Rock Your Network Marketing Business! #RYNMB30 (It’s not too late to join us! Start your 30 days on whatever day you find this challenge! ) For more info, and for a tracking sheet CLICK HERE!

I’m often asked what to say to people–and it’s actually quite simple! LESS is better (and much easier too)! Watch this quick video, then check below for a few conversation starters!

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1) Call, Message, or Text People You Know:

Hey (Deb)! I’m so excited to share some news with you!

Hey there Rock Stars! Welcome to Day 12 of the 30 Day Challenge to Rock Your Network Marketing Business! #RYNMB30 (It’s not too late to join us! Start your 30 days on whatever day you find this challenge! ) For more info, and for a tracking sheet CLICK HERE!

Our past few challenges have focused on events, and since then I’ve had a lot of people ask what to do when a new team member is doing an event out of state (how do you support them) or what do you do if you have a friend who wants to support you who lives out of state?…

Rock Stars! Day 4 is here! Who’s still with me on the #RYNMB30 Challenge (30 Days To Rock Your Network Marketing Business!) It’s not too late to join us! Start your 30 days on whatever day you find this challenge! For more info, and for a tracking sheet CLICK HERE!

It’s Sunday, and I’m snowed in here…so I thought I would share an oldie but goodie story, along with some of my recommended resources (books, CDs) for the 30 day challenge (perfect to snuggle up to on a Sunday)! If you’ve heard the story below share it with your team, and skip down below to the rockin’ resources I recommend!…

Hey there, I’m Sarah Robbins, author of the best-selling book “Rock Your Network Marketing Business”! I’m also the #1 earner for my company, and began earning a six-figure per MONTH income at the ripe old age of 29, thanks to our powerful profession!

Goal setting and accountability has been the key to my success in my network marketing business. In fact, just this morning, my husband and I sat down to write out our goals for 2014=>


Robbins Goals



One of my goals for my network marketing business? To recruit a minimum of 2 new distributors per month! How will I get there?…

I recently conquered my #1 fear=> my fear of heights! I went zip lining this weekend for 3 hours, via 9 lines. Each line brought a new level of confidence as the guide talked me through, encouraged me, and gave me new tips and skills before I tackled each. By the end, I had a new level of confidence! This made me think–imagine the real fears your team members may have–call reluctance, approaching a prospect…. YOU are their guide. If you work closely with them through each contact, offering encouragement, and tips before their initial calls, each call will come with more confidence.…

Vision Boards and Setting Goals For MLM Success, Networking Marketing and Direct Selling Success

What  you see is what you believe— put your goals before your eyes, secure it in your mind, and move forward toward the victory today!

I coach my leaders to create visual reminders while goal setting. I have a goal board for all of the things in my life I’m working toward and all of the things I’m praying for. You can create a constant visual reminder by taking a snapshot of what you’re working toward, or who you’re working for, and put it on a goal board.…

The kids are back to school, and it’s time to get back to building your business bigger than you have before! The activity you start today can set you up for a debt free holiday, and a rewarding 2014. Start today!


As you think about where you want to end the year in your business, goal setting is a good idea. A great idea is to determine a plan on how you will get there.

How many of you are measuring the number of Customers or Consultants you brought on each month—or your title or check month end, without tracking your daily progress?…

I’m getting extremely excited for the upcoming edition of Networking Times Magazine (our profession’s leading publication for Network Marketing Professionals). It will be talking about network marketers as social entrepreneurs!

Sir Richard Branson says as social entrepreneurs “We are stimulated by the desire to ensure business has a purpose beyond profit, also focusing upon people and the planet.” I believe many network marketing professionals and companies fit this description perfectly.

When I began my network marketing career, I was a kindergarten teacher who made an impact on the lives of the children in my classroom, but always had a dream of influencing many children’s lives around the world.…