Selling on Social Media- What’s Working NOW!
Watch today’s “Prospecting Pop Up” For Tips in Under Ten Minutes:
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-Grab my FREE PROSPECTING GUIDE with tips + scripts at ProspectingGuide.Com
-If you’re serious about taking your business to the next level, join me for weekly coaching at TheNetworkMarketingInnerCircle.Com
Rock on, rockstar ~*…
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Want to be a student of social media marketing for network marketing?
Join the safest, most supportive mastermind group (good for all companies + levels!) @ TheNetworkMarketingInnerCircle.Com…
Let’s talk “FEAR!”
=> I almost did NOT launch my coaching program yesterday because of this 4-letter “F-WORD!”
(+ How To Conquer Fear and CRUSH Your Goals)
(+ My Thoughts On Rachel Hollis!) Phew, lots to cover…here we GROW!
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http://TheNetworkMarketingInnerCircle.Com <= Let me help you CONQUER fear and CRUSH those big beautiful dreams of yours, sis! XO
Social Media Marketing For Network Marketing- How To Share Your Story Online
Hey there Rock Stars!
March is national reading month! As a former educator, turned top network marketing professional, I am passionate about storytelling! As network marketing professionals we are paid story tellers! So every Monday in March, I am going to give you FREE training on how to tell your story in a powerful, professional, and packaged way! In doing so, you will be able to attract more leaders to your business and/or product! There will be special training on sharing your story via social media, recorded calls, videos, and much more!…
On the 12th Day of Christmas my true love (Mr. “Rockin Robbins”) gave to me…little baby Gabriel!
Meet Gabriel David Robbins–Born on the Epiphany (the 12th day of Christmas!) 1-6-16!
…our Christmas angel….due on Christmas, but who decided to show up fashionably late (like his momma) on the 12th day of Christmas!
We truly had the most amazing pregnancy, and the most incredible labor. If you read my recent posts on our new lifestyle blog (TheRobbinsNest.Com) ,you now that is exactly what we prayed for! After 5 minutes of pushing (ladies, don’t hate me)…we welcomed our angel into the world!…
Welcome to Sarah Robbins’ Weekly Network Marketing Challenge!
Today’s challenge: “Find 5”–meet 5 new people to share your business with!
Hey there rock stars, Sarah “Rockin” Robbins here! Today I am thrilled to kick off my WEEKLY CHALLENGE to #RockYourNetworkMarketingBusiness in ROCKtober! Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter to be notified via email when a new challenge posts–and take it with an “accountability partner” in your company! If you’d like to have more accountability daily, you can access the archives of the 30 day challenge I hosted last fall here!
This year’s challenge is a weekly challenge–and here’s week 4!…
The Power of Perseverance (And Never Quitting!)
Hey there rock stars, Sarah “Rockin” Robbins here! This month, we are in the middle of a series where I share 3 simple keys that will unlock doors to lead you to a destiny of greatness in your business, and life!…