
Posts tagged "social media"

Welcome to Sarah Robbins’ Weekly Network Marketing Challenge!

Today’s challenge: Leverage Social Media to generate new leads for your network marketing business! I am a top recruiter in our company year after year–and social media has been a primary way that I have been able to “Rock My Network Marketing Business” as the #1 earner in our company!…

What is prospecting? Webster’s Dictionary defines it as looking for GOLD.

Prospecting is the process of talking to people, in hopes that you will find some who are interested in joining you on your products or in your business. In the process of these conversations, you’ll “sift through” a lot of people to find a few who will join you. Then, you’ll have a lot of people join you, of whom will work at varying paces. Keep in mind, it only takes a few power partners to change your life! That’s your “gold”! Remember–you may have to talk to a lot to find those few, like sifting for gold.…


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Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social sites, and an excellent place to market your product or service!

Watch this brief 6 minute video on how to effectively use Pinterest to build your network marketing or direct sales business:

Hope this helps with some “Pin-spriration”!

Comment below: What’s your Pinterest name? I’d love to find you!

Here I am: http://pinterest.com/sarahrobbins123

And if you loved what you learned, please “Share” this post on your favorite social site…after all, sharing is super sexy!

Rock on Rock Stars,

Sarah “Rockin” Robbins! XO


 © This material is the intellectual property of Sarah Robbins, Rockin Robbins Networking Team.…

Let’s Get Social!

Developing your online presence is powerful!

Why? Social media is now the #1 activity on the web! It’s a great way to get in touch and keep in touch with people you know, and people you meet! There are currently over 750 million users on Facebook, over 200 million on Twitter, and over 100 million on LinkedIn  If Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest in the world! Recently, Facebook traffic surpassed Google traffic. What does this mean to our business? Since we are living in a social economy—who you know and what they have to recommend is more influential now than ever before!…