
Posts tagged "recruiting"

“LIKE” today’s training? Then you’ll LOVE my RECRUITING MASTER CLASS! (my best selling class of 2018, that you can get at an introductory price, here) https://sarahrobbins.com/store/rock-your-recruiting-webinar-master-class/
You will get a FREE PROSPECTING GUIDE with tons of ideas and language! PLUS a 2 hour MASTER CLASS ON RECRUITING!
Learn from Sarah LIVE in a Master Class on RECRUITING–you’ll learn exactly how she personally recruited 300 people into her company–which led them to build a 300,000 person team and do over a BILLION dollars in sales last year!
Rock Your Recruiting Master Class (Webinar)
What the course will cover:
Hey there, Rock Star!…

Rock Star Recruiting and Power Prospecting To Design a Life You Love in Network Marketing- by #1 Earner Sarah Robbins

I’m a formerly shy teacher by trade, who was living in one of the more depressed economies in the country. I had just moved, just married, just began my brand new job teaching kindergarten. I was in my 20’s. While I loved teaching, we were facing financial difficulties, paying bills with change.  I was facing the loss of my job and our first home. This caused me to look for extra income, and my search led me to network marketing. When I began my business I was broke (and most of my friends were young and broke like me).…

What is prospecting? Webster’s Dictionary defines it as looking for GOLD.

Prospecting is the process of talking to people, in hopes that you will find some who are interested in joining you on your products or in your business. In the process of these conversations, you’ll “sift through” a lot of people to find a few who will join you. Then, you’ll have a lot of people join you, of whom will work at varying paces. Keep in mind, it only takes a few power partners to change your life! That’s your “gold”! Remember–you may have to talk to a lot to find those few, like sifting for gold.…