Rock Your Recruiting Webinar
2 Hour Live Training With Sarah Robbins
2 Hour webinar and downloads

Learn from Sarah LIVE in a Master Class on RECRUITING–you’ll learn exactly how she personally recruited 300 people into her company–which led them to build a 300,000 person team and do over a BILLION dollars in sales last year!
Rock Your Recruiting Master Class (Webinar)
What the course will cover:
Hey there, Rock Star!
Are you ready to ROCK your recruiting? Get ready!
In this webinar you will unlock…
Ideas of ways to meet new people
Language and ideas to reach out to your existing network
You’ll learn exactly what to say when power prospecting
Language on how to present powerfully
And how to get people OUT of your funnel and INTO your business, and RECRUIT LIKE A ROCK STAR!

This item is included in the Rock Star Recruiting School University. Where you will get all of Sarah’s training at the deepest discount. The Rock Star Recruiting School University is an online portal to Sarah's entire success system and training vault. This one-time fee university provides all the material you need to help"rock your network marketing business!" Upgrade your purchase and training expenses by purchasing the Rock Star University now.