
Posts tagged "network marketing leads"

Think social media is a fad? Think again!

Social Media is now the #1 activity on the web! How big are these networks? As of January 2013, the five largest social networks based on active monthly users were: Facebook (1 billion), YouTube (800 million) and Google+ (343 million) followed by Twitter and LinkedIn with 200 million active monthly users each. (TECHi)

If you’re not using social media (or using social media RIGHT) you are missing out on business. Plain and simple. How do I know? 93% of marketers use social media for business. (WordPress Hosting SEO). Recently Facebook traffic surpassed Google traffic, which means that people are searching out their favorite brands via social sites!…

What is prospecting? Webster’s Dictionary defines it as looking for GOLD.

Prospecting is the process of talking to people, in hopes that you will find some who are interested in joining you on your products or in your business. In the process of these conversations, you’ll “sift through” a lot of people to find a few who will join you. Then, you’ll have a lot of people join you, of whom will work at varying paces. Keep in mind, it only takes a few power partners to change your life! That’s your “gold”! Remember–you may have to talk to a lot to find those few, like sifting for gold.…