
Posts tagged "30 day challenge"

Hey there Rock Stars! Welcome to Day 27 of the 30 Day Challenge to Rock Your Network Marketing Business! #RYNMB30 (It’s not too late to join us! Start your 30 days on whatever day you find this challenge! ) For more info, and for a tracking sheet CLICK HERE!

Today, let’s talk about customers! One of the keys to building a strong, sustainable business is developing a healthy sized, happy customer base. Why is this so important? Our business is built by the volume that is created by sales to an end customer—whether it be the distributors who are using the products monthly and getting great results, or happy customers who are loving their benefits!  …


Hey there Rock Stars! Welcome to Day 19 of the 30 Day Challenge to Rock Your Network Marketing Business! #RYNMB30 (It’s not too late to join us! Start your 30 days on whatever day you find this challenge! ) For more info, and for a tracking sheet CLICK HERE!

We interrupt this social media messaging to bring you a very important update (*smile*)

revisit your prospect list

I’m sneaking in a tip during our social media week focus! Here’s why: we just got back from a national event with our company, and I’ve never been more excited about rocking my recruiting! I have big goals this quarter and I want to share my strategy with you (which works whether or not your company had a big event—as the New Year is a great time to try this strategy too!)…

Hey there Rock Stars! Welcome to Days 14-18 of the 30 Day Challenge to Rock Your Network Marketing Business! #RYNMB30 (It’s not too late to join us! Start your 30 days on whatever day you find this challenge! ) For more info, and for a tracking sheet CLICK HERE!

I’m really excited for our next few challenge posts, as they will touch on my favorite topic: SOCIAL MEDIA! Social media is not the only way, but rather A way to power prospect for new customers and consultants! Remember–nothing takes the place of bringing the conversation offline to tell them more about your business or product, but it is a great way to start up a conversation.…

Hey there Rock Stars! Welcome to Day 12 of the 30 Day Challenge to Rock Your Network Marketing Business! #RYNMB30 (It’s not too late to join us! Start your 30 days on whatever day you find this challenge! ) For more info, and for a tracking sheet CLICK HERE!

Our past few challenges have focused on events, and since then I’ve had a lot of people ask what to do when a new team member is doing an event out of state (how do you support them) or what do you do if you have a friend who wants to support you who lives out of state?…

Rock Stars! Welcome to Day 7 of the 30 Day Challenge to Rock Your Network Marketing Business! #RYNMB30 (It’s not too late to join us! Start your 30 days on whatever day you find this challenge! ) For more info, and for a tracking sheet CLICK HERE! As you make your 2 NEW contacts each day, don’t forget to revisit your customers about your opportunity! Watch this brief 1 minute to video to learn why, and how (if you can’t view it on your mobile device, be sure to check it out on a desktop computer!) I have posted some language underneath the video, on this blog post, so be sure to return after you watch it ===>

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IDEA: Call your customers today.

Hey there Rock Stars–let’s be honest, who rocked day 1 of #RYNMB30 (30 days to rock your network marketing business)? I did! I’m happy to say that I made my 2 new contacts yesterday, and as a result have one follow-up appointment, and one enrollment appointment this week!

It is my suggestion that you get an accountability partner to complete the challenge with, that you text your daily stats to: “How many people did you call today? I called my ‘two’! Who are your hottest prospects, and how can I help you reach out to them?” Keep it positive, and be honest!…

Hey there, I’m Sarah Robbins, author of the best-selling book “Rock Your Network Marketing Business”! I’m also the #1 earner for my company, and began earning a six-figure per MONTH income at the ripe old age of 29, thanks to our powerful profession!

Goal setting and accountability has been the key to my success in my network marketing business. In fact, just this morning, my husband and I sat down to write out our goals for 2014=>


Robbins Goals



One of my goals for my network marketing business? To recruit a minimum of 2 new distributors per month! How will I get there?…