Sarah Robbins blog

Rocking Your “Reason Why” In Network Marketing


It’s January 21, and we are officially 3 weeks in to the New Year…how are those business goals coming along?

In order to stay fully connected and committed to our business, we must focus on our vision, or reason WHY before we can focus on the HOW!

Successful people always focus on the end results, while others get stuck on how they will get there. One of the most important exercises you can do as you begin your business is to identify your “Reason Why”. Ask yourself: What is driving you emotionally to develop a successful business?

Your “why” is your long term vision for success. How can you know the route to take if you don’t know where you’re going?

Let me ask you a few questions: If time and money were no issue … how would your life look? Where would you live? What would you drive? What would you do with your time? Would you have any debt? In other words … what will a successful business do for your life, your family’s life, and your lifestyle?

I want you to clearly define & write down why you are doing your business. If you’re new, this is a perfect exercise for you. If you’ve been in your business for awhile, it’s a great time to revisit your reason why, as it can evolve over time. What is the “big picture”?  The more specific, the more powerful it will be! Make it compelling so it causes you to find the time, face your fears, and persevere!

Is it to have a college fund for your children?; to pay off debt?; buy your dream home?; become more self-reliant?; are you funding your retirement?;

Mine??? I wanted to start a foundation for  children that I would fund through this business

My Reason Why In Action

One of the first things I did when I started my network marketing business, was to write down my reason WHY. I remember working with one of my mentors who asked me:

“Sarah, what’s your reason why?”

I told her: “I want to start a foundation for children that is fully funded through my network marketing business. It will provide housing, teaching and training for mothers, and a camp for kids!”

Impressed, she asked: “ And how much will that cost?”

“Millions” I told her.

She proceeded to ask: “And how does that feel?”

“I have to admit, it’s overwhelming,” I said.

You see, my why was so big, that  instead of serving as a motivator, at times it would be a demotivator. I was so overwhelmed by my dream that I often felt defeated, which is why it was easy for me to want to quit when I got discouraged.

She then gave me the best advice: to break down my reason why into achievable goals so I could celebrate small successes on the way to my big dream. I started a separate bank account, that would allow me to put aside a portion of my check each month and do something nice for a family in need. As my checks grew, so did the impact we were able to have on others: we sent a mom’s young boys to fine arts camp. We covered medical bills. We built a few ramps for people will physical impairments. We provided holidays to struggling families. Now that our team has grown, so does our impact–we recently returned from a trip where we opened orphanages in India. We were now able to give of our time, talent, and resources, to many causes that tug at our hearts. NOW I’m driven by my dreams verses the detours & disappointments I may face.

After reading this, please stop and take the time (I’m talking a few hours) and write down your reason why. Most people skip over this step—and I can promise you it is one of the most powerful things you can do to start your business, especially in the New Year. Craft a compelling vision for your future, like a movie, as if it were happening in present tense—no wimpy words like “I wish”. Use strong words like “I am”. No negative words like “I am no longer shy”. Make strong, positive proclamations like “I am confident!” Include the senses—describe your vision. What does your life look like? Your family? Your future? Your home? Your business?
Map out all of the people, places, and things that are important to you. Touch on every area of your life. You will know you’ve accomplished the task when you read it and it motivates and moves you. When you’ve completed this, I want you to share it with someone- whether it be your spouse, supporters in life, or your sponsor. Remember: Anything is possible is your reason why is big enough!

Earlier I mentioned that my “why” wasn’t always a motivator because it seemed so far away, so I had to break things down a bit, and focus on more bite sized goals. Equally important to writing your long term vision or your “Why” is setting short-term goals along the way that allow you to celebrate more immediate successes, which ultimately pave a path to you recognizing your dreams! Successful people always have their next goal in mind.

Goals are dreams with deadlines. Where do you want your business to be this quarter? What titles do you want to achieve? What bonus programs or incentives are you working toward with your company? Write down what they are, when you want to reach them (put it in your planner) and then share them with your sponsor or accountability partner, to strategize on the “how”…an action plan…what does it take to get there, whose help will you need, and what daily activities will you have to implement yourself and with your team to achieve that goal?

Achieving Some Memorable Goals

Create visual reminders by posting pictures of what you’re working toward. I have a goal board for all of the things in my life I’m working toward and all of the things I’m praying for. You can even create a constant visual reminder by taking a snapshot of what you’re working toward, and put it on the homescreen of your smartphone. Then, each time you pick up the phone for a prospecting call and it seems to weigh a thousand pounds it will motivate you. Paste pictures in your planner, so when you look at your planner for your long day’s agenda, you are motivated to take action and forge ahead! If you’re running for a trip, put a picture of that place where you can see it! If it’s a company car—get to a local dealership, take your picture of yourself in that car and post it so it serves as a daily reminder of what you’re working toward (not to mention, it’s a great conversation starter on social media!)

When you visualize something and focus on it daily, it will increase your belief, it will keep you committed, increasing your chances it will happen over time! One of the keys to achieving a goal is to share it with someone—whether it be your spouse or sponsor—but I recommend an accountability partner. Choose someone in your company who’s committed to remaining positive, who’s collaborative, and who’s working toward something similar as you! They don’t have to be on your team. Set a weekly talk time to inspire one another and share best practices, and celebrate successes! Social integration is powerful—processing with positive people allows you to discuss and apply what you’re learning!

Get an accountability partner right away and start goal setting today! Can’t wait for your to achieve your goals, and ultimately realize your dreams!

I’m blessed to be  living mine: through Network Marketing I was able to earn a fabulous free car, enjoy fabulous free travel around the world, I work with the love of my life Phil and fabulous friends in my business, and we design our dream lives! The best part? We are starting that foundation, providing love and a loving home to children in need! I’m so in LOVE with this profession! Never give up on your goals–you too, can achieve your dreams!

Hope you enjoyed learning about the power of creating your Reason Why from my Seven Figure Success System.

Tell me below: What is YOUR reason why? I would love to read them!

PS- sharing is SEXY! 🙂 If you like what you read, please click “like” or “tweet” me out! Or “Share” this on your favorite social sites below, with your team! 🙂


 © This material is the intellectual property of Sarah Robbins, Rockin Robbins Networking Team. If you choose to use this material, please share it directly from the site. If you wish to use it for other purposes, contact Sarah directly & cite the source please! Thank you, enjoy!

About Sarah “Rockin” Robbins:

SARAH ROBBINS is a kindergarten teacher turned 7-figure annual residual income earner in network marketing, and is considered one of the world’s leading network marketing consultants. Now in the top one percent income bracket of all women in America, she began part time with no business experience and had achieved 6-figures per MONTH by age 29. She has been featured in many of the best-selling books in the network marketing profession, and is a sought after speaker at the top events in the industry. As a speaker she contributes unique insights on success, prosperity, leadership and network marketing topics, and is fulfilling her lifelong dream of helping others. You can receive her FREE VIDEO for MLM Success HERE

If you’re really serious about building a BIG business, for less than $100 you can also purchase her 7-figure Success System for home based businesses, the Network Marketing University HERE==>

(*she’s sure it will be one of the best investments you make to ROCK your business!)