Network marketing is one of the smartest business models on the planet! It is a model where it takes ordinary people like me and helps them to achieve extraordinary results! Where else could a formerly shy teacher in her 20’s compress a 30-50 year career into 3-5 years and elevate to success that others only dream of—and most people can’t even conceive! I’ve fallen head over heels in love with our profession, and if I had to recreate my wealth all over again, I’d do it in network marketing!
Here’s why I am in love:
This is a brilliant business model where instead of investing in advertising and celebrity endorsement, companies invests in us, and our success. It allows us to leverage the integrity of a big brands, and leverage the time, talent and resources of large corporations, often times for less than $1,000. It’s simple (it doesn’t require a college degree, overhead, employees, or a brick and mortar shop.) It’s scalable. Bottom line–it’s smart. The DSA (Direct Selling Association) just celebrated it’s 100 year anniversary—so direct sales is a tried and true business model, proven to be timeless. Network marketing does over $100bil a year in sales, and it is one of the fastest growing business models in the world! It has gained tremendous attention and acceptance globally in publications like Success, Fortune, Forbes, and USA Today.
Network marketing provides outstanding opportunities to its participants–it provides a turnkey business, at a low cost, carries little to no risk, and there’s no experience necessary. It carries many incredible benefits such as:
FREEDOM & FLEXIBILITY-with Network Marketing you don’t trade hours for dollars, or your time for someone elses money. You can work this part time, any time! There’s no commute to work. You create your hours and block out the important things in your life and plan around them. Essentially, you design a professional life that fits around the rest of your life. Often times started as a plan B, it can easily become a plan A. That’s how I started—simply to supplement my teacher’s salary, and a few years later became a seven figure earner.
Many people are looking for extra earning potential due to the recent economic downturn, and talk of this “Fiscal Cliff”. This puts them in a bind—many are surviving on 3-4 income households, with no one raising their children. I saw this sad reality as a kindergarten teacher all of the time—kids being dropped off to school by their daycare provider, and being bussed back into daycare—they saw their parents for a meal, homework, and bed. I want to be clear I’m not slamming anyone in this situation, I just want you to know and be aware that Network marketing can provide a better solution—it doesn’t require you to go back to school, or take on another full time job. It allows you to choose a dream life over a dream job, and to be fully present in your own life, as well as your families life.
FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITY- Network Marketing is one of the best choices if you’re looking to create unlimited earning potential but have little upfront money. We leverage our investment once and have the opportunity for an exponential ROI. This business allows you to create passive residual income—getting paid over and over again for work you did one time…
I mentioned earlier that if you give this enough time and effort, you are able to compress a 30-50 year career into 3-5 years! This business can lead to ongoing residual income for you. If you build it right, you can get paid on the royalties or residual income forevermore! This business provides true leverage—which gives you security. True wealth is created through leverage. This business model has little to do with YOU, but rather what you start. Once you build your Network Marketing empire—it becomes an asset to you. It is an incredible financial vehicle that allows you to pursue all of your lifes goals and dreams.
With Network Marketing, we also turn expenses into an income, buying from our own product store. And there are many tax advantages associated with owning a home based business. All of this allows you to make money or save money. You will get paid to talk about your transformative products and award winning business model—and you get paid to talk about what you love! All the while you are able to earn amazing bonuses, competitive commissions, and incredible incentives! This is the company’s way of rewarding you for a job well done—you don’t just get paid, you also get recognized!
FUN & FRIENDSHIP—you choose those you partner with in this business. You have the chance to build your success, all while helping others to succeed! You celebrate your success together in countless trips and trainings around the world! How lucky are we?!
FABULOUS OPPORTUNTIES FOR PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL GROWTH: you are in business for yourself, and not by yourself. In our business model you receive incredible training through the company and team training systems that are provided. You also receive incredible personal development opportunities so you can grow as a person, which helps to support you inside and outside of our business model. This leads to incredible life and leadership skills—you grow in confidence and communication! The best part? You earn as you learn! The personal and professional growth opportunities definitely outweigh the paycheck for me!
WHAT MATTERS MOST…And last but not least, Network Marketing can provide you the time and resources that you need to passionately pursue your dreams, and to help others to achieve theirs. My husband and I just got back from a trip to India where we helped open up orphanages there. Many times we remarked, if we didn’t have the time and resources provided from our network marketing business, we would have never been able to do what we did, and continue to do. That’s what matters most! Was my journey easy? NO! Was it worth it? YOU BET!
To sum it up all up in one word: Network Marketing provides FREEDOM! I am truly in LOVE!
Speaking of LOVE, if you love what I wrote: please feel free to “LIKE” it, or “SHARE” it on your favorite social sites that are listed! Because sharing ROCKS!
PS- I’d love to hear from you–tell me what YOU love most about your network marketing business! 🙂
© This material is the intellectual property of Sarah Robbins, Rockin Robbins Networking Team. If you choose to use this material, please share it directly from the site. If you wish to use it for other purposes, contact Sarah directly & cite the source please! Thank you, enjoy!
About Sarah “Rockin” Robbins:
SARAH ROBBINS is a kindergarten teacher turned 7-figure annual residual income earner in network marketing, and is considered one of the world’s leading network marketing consultants. Now in the top one percent income bracket of all women in America, she began part time with no business experience and had achieved 6-figures per MONTH by age 29. She has been featured in many of the best-selling books in the network marketing profession, and is a sought after speaker at the top events in the industry. As a speaker she contributes unique insights on success, prosperity, leadership and network marketing topics, and is fulfilling her lifelong dream of helping others. You can receive her FREE VIDEO for MLM Success HERE:
If you’re really serious about building a BIG business, for less than $100 you can also purchase her 7-figure Success System for home based businesses, the Network Marketing University HERE==>
(*she’s sure it will be one of the best investments you make to ROCK your business!)