Sarah Robbins blog

The Gift Series- Your LIFE is a Gift


The Gift Series- Your LIFE is a Gift

Last week we talked about how our LOVE is a gift. I shared the story of opening our 100 child home in India.  Following the story, many innocently replied “I wish I had the money to be able to do that too.”

Often times we lose sight of the simple fact that our LOVE is a gift. One of the greatest gifts we can offer to others is free–the gift of time spent. Time is the currency of relationships.

Over the weekend, I really challenged myself in this way too. I was invited to a Gingerbread House Competition by my sisters Katie and Emily. I gladly went, although it’s not my cup of tea (anything with the word “competition” makes me sweat!) However, developing those relationships are far more important than our own peronal comfort. (*I ended up having a ton of fun!)

I also went to the same show two times over the weekend, because different friends wanted to go at different times. Although I had already seen it, I went again to further those relationships because those relationships by far, are more important than our own personal convenience.

This holiday season (and into 2015) I want you to focus on finding true joy in giving your life (by giving your time) to others– sacrifice your own personal comfort or convenience. “Live to Give”! Write down on a notecard: “Who can I bless today?” When we focus on meeting other’s needs, our needs are met. Here’s a great example…

I’ll never forget when one of my greatest heroes (my Aunt Lorrie Rulla) was diagnosed with cancer–and the diagnosis was incredibly grim. Instead of focusing on what her needs were, she would go to her treatments, and wrap bibles for the other patients to gift to them. She would spend time encouraging them, and focused on being a blessing to them. (*she is cancer-free today, many years later!) She sowed a seed in her time of need. In return, she’s lived a blessed life and continues to be a blessing to many!

I believe that many people would see the miracle they had been longing for if they stopped focusing on their own need, but instead focus on how they could plant a seed of goodness or kindness into someone else’s life–whether it’s through our time (spending time with people); our talent (if you’re a good cook, etc- deliver a meal); or perhaps our resources (what we can give).

Practice it each day. Model it for your children. My mother Kris Fairless certainly did that for us three girls….

Growing up, my mom would give generously, even when we couldn’t afford it. For years I watched her give above her means, and somehow all of our needs were met.  I believe the spirit of generosity is the greatest gift you can model for your children. When we used to have birthday parties growing up, my mom wouldn’t allow us to have a party unless we invited ALL of the little girls in each class in our grade level (yes, they were big birthday parties). But no one was ever left out. I’ve grown to have a huge love for others, a compassionate heart, and to this day, I refuse to leave people out. My main motto “the more the merrier”! After all, we are blessed to be a blessing. Our LIFE and our LOVE is a gift to the world. (As a result of a life lived for giving, my mom has lived an incredibly blessed life, and now has three grown girls who love God,  love people, and give generously–one of the greatest gifts a parent could wish for).

What needs do you have in your life today?

Do you desire deeper and more meaningful relationships and friendships? Focus on being a friend! I will never forget moving to our new home 18 months ago, praying for true friends–friends who are like family. In order to make friends, I had to be a friend. I put myself out there, and joined a women’s club on our lake. I would anxiously wait by the window with my purse for my neighbor to pick me up for a luncheon (kind of like a kid waiting with their backpack for the bus, on the first day of school.) My neighbors are now family to us. I would also host events at my home for friends, even was I was the “new kid on the block.” I recently had a group of girlfriends over for a gift exchange, and I look at the pictures of my “Favorite Things” Party from the weekend, and think of God’s goodness and grace as He answered my prayer. I now have friends who are family to me.  To have a friend, we must be a friend. Check out the “besties” God blessed me with…

Friendship is the Greates Gift

Instead of focusing on receiving your blessing, be a blessing during this season. Sow a seed in your time of need, and watch the most beautiful life (and relationships) bloom before you.

You may be thinking “I read your blog for tips to rock my network marketing business. How does this apply to me?”  We are in the “relationship business”. By focusing on developing relationships, and remembering to focus on “T.I.N.Y.” (their interests, not yours) your friendships will develop, your connections will increase, and as a result your business will grow too! If you “liked” what you learned, don’t forget to share this with your team–when you grow your team’s culture with a “spirit of generosity” with “people” as a focus, you will be unstoppable!

PS- My husband Phil and I do a Prayer Call every Monday morning (ALL are welcome–we don’t discuss any particular business, but God’s business), and “Living to Give” was the title of the talk today. If you “liked” this blog post, and would enjoy a “faith-based” message on this topic, you are welcome to access the 30 minute replay of todays talk here=>


Who is Sarah Robbins? The #1 earner in her company and one of the world’s leading network marketing distributors. She is also the author of the best-selling book ROCK YOUR NETWORK MARKETING BUSINESS that you can purchase here.

If you wish to subscribe to Sarah’s newsletters for more FREE, GENERIC training for all MLM, direct sales, & network marketing professionals, you may do so here, and get a FREE BONUS VIDEO on how to rock YOUR business=>

Don’t forget about Sarah’s GIFT to you…

Network Marketing University Combo (HOLIDAY SPECIAL) For a limited time…

This combo includes both Network Marketing University Audio CD Sets (original and Master Class) and ROCK Your Network Marketing Business Book! Get both of Sarah’s Recruiting School audio sets at a deeply discounted price! The combo includes both the “Network Marketing University” and the “Network Marketing University, Master Class Edition” audio sets. Plus as a holiday bonus, get Sarah’s ROCK Your Network Marketing Business book for free for a limited time. No coupon code required–the discount is built in to this special offer!

Put this on your holiday wish-list, or give yourself a gift, & pick up this limited-time combo as an end of year gift for your team here==>

*LIMITED TIME HOLIDAY OFFERING, WHILE SUPPLIES LAST–we hope it’s a blessing to you and your rock stars!