You are stronger than you think, braver than you can imagine & can do anything you put your mind to!
I’m starting a healthy eating and exercise regimen. Although I always ate very healthy, and worked out regularly, I’ve decided to kick it up a notch!
I’m already feeling so much better, and starting to see early results. I thought–gosh, why didn’t I do this before? I realized–I wasn’t ready. Although I WISHED to be healthy and fit and I WANTED it badly, I wasn’t ready to do the extra WORK it would require to get to my goals
I had to map out a plan, really research and implement what I learn, and sacrifice other things (convenience, comfort, etc.) to get to my goal.
I travel a lot—this is what makes things even more challenging. When I’m home, I work out with a trainer, and my husband cooks healthy, clean meals. I used to have a lot of anxiety before trips, knowing that meals and exercise would be more of a challenge. I now realize that my goal is possible and travel can be enjoyable, but it will require a little extra planning on my part.
I just returned from a trip to Texas, and packed a suitcase full of “clean eating” staples, weights, requested a hotel refrigerator, and stopped immediately at a Whole Foods to stock up on healthy food. It wasn’t the easiest route, but it was worth it. I had so much energy this week, and really enjoyed my trip, with a positive mindset!
I have decided that any predominant thought that’s not positive has no room in my mind, or in my life. I will strive for top levels of fitness so I can feel good, be healthy in my thoughts and in my body, and set a great example for those I lead, and love.

Determined. Not even travel will deter me from achieving victory! Clean eating and exercise is possible when traveling!
A few years ago, I had a similar “defining moment” where I made a decision to be successful in my business. When I started my business, I would say I wanted to be successful, and in the same breath, threaten to quit when things didn’t go my way.
One day, I was sitting in a parking lot in my car, waiting for a meeting to start. I got a call from one of my mom’s friends Rachel, who was also a consultant in my company. At the time, I was struggling in my business. I picked up the phone, and she immediately opened with: “Sarah, you want to know what’s been holding you back?” I was so excited…FINALLY! She was going to give me the ‘magic bullet” for success! She knew the answer! She proceeded: “You are doing all the right things—going through the motions, showing up to every meeting and call. But your problem is that your thoughts & words towards your business and team don’t align with your goals. You want it, but you really haven’t made a decision that you’re “in” no matter what!”
Ouch!” She told me! That was one of the most honest conversations anyone has had with me, and to be honest, it was a defining moment in my life. She was right! I was going through the motions—but I hadn’t really made up in my mind, and declared that I was going to be successful!
At that moment I made up my mind, and began to change my daily declarations saying: “I have the fastest growing team in the company! I will be a top leader and earner”! I backed up those words with daily activity goals—reaching out to 3-5 people per day about my business. I committed to learning and implementing what I learned though daily personal and professional development. I went from being the “least” highest earner to the #1 earner today in my company. This is the power of decision, followed by action.
I believe YOU have everything it takes to be successful in your life. Plan for your success daily. For your business, commit to reach out to 5 people a day and follow up in 48 hours. Ask them to try products, and for referrals if they aren’t interested in the biz. Plan your call times. Prepare for success. DECIDE.
Don’t wish for it. Don’t watch. Wanting it is not enough–work for it.
I know my last bit of weight will take time (I lost over 60 pounds since I was married)–but I’m committed to do what it takes & conquer any area of my life (or mind) that would hold me back.
Life is short–I wish to live a victorious one…
YOU are stronger than you think, braver than you can imagine & can do anything you put your mind to! You deserve to live a victorious life.
Conquer the little things so you can achieve big things! YOU CAN DO THIS!
Rock on rock stars! Sarah “Rockin” Robbins
PS- If you liked what you learned, please “share” this on your favorite social site (sharing rocks), and give me a “thumbs up” by giving me a “like” on my post! I also welcome your comments below! 🙂
You can learn more about my proven success system for business HERE.
© This material is the intellectual property of Sarah Robbins, Rockin Robbins Networking Team. If you choose to use this material, please share it directly from the site. If you wish to use it for other purposes, contact Sarah directly & cite the source please! Thank you, enjoy!
About Sarah “Rockin” Robbins:
SARAH ROBBINS is a kindergarten teacher turned 7-figure annual residual income earner in network marketing, and is considered one of the world’s leading network marketing consultants. Now in the top one percent income bracket of all women in America, she began part time with no business experience and had achieved 6-figures per MONTH by age 29. She has been featured in many of the best-selling books in the network marketing profession, and is a sought after speaker at the top events in the industry. As a speaker she contributes unique insights on success, prosperity, leadership and network marketing topics, and is fulfilling her lifelong dream of helping others. You can receive her FREE VIDEO for MLM Success HERE:
If you’re really serious about building a BIG business, for less than $100 you can also purchase her 7-figure Success System for home based businesses, the Network Marketing University HERE==>
(*she’s sure it will be one of the best investments you make to ROCK your business!)