
Posts tagged "network marketing leader"

A few years ago, I was given a gift…a chance to be mentored by a great man, Christian Diaz. 


Chris taught us how to live with integrity, lead with strength, and how to love people and the network marketing profession. When he came on board we were just beginning–no one really knew how to build or lead. Chris poured his time, talent and resources into us. He made our success his full time focus. And by success I’m not just talking about success materially, he was concerned with our inner success as well- who we were, where we were going, and what we were creating in the world.…

I’m Living My Dream Life!

I’m a formerly shy 30-year old teacher by trade, who was living in one of the more depressed economies in the country. While I loved teaching, we were facing financial difficulties, and the loss of my job. This caused me to look for extra income, and my search led me to my current business.

I was freelancing for a company whose brand was in retail to supplement my teaching salary. I made the transition with them when they moved from retail to direct sales, and became one of the first consultants in the company. I immediately began sharing our story: of our products and our life changing opportunity.…