
Posts tagged "network marketing cross recruiting"

The Grass Is Not GREENER:

(Yes you CAN, but SHOULD you?!)

Green Eggs + Spam! Green Grass, Poached Eggs, + Spamming or Soliciting!

What does these have in common? Read on…

Special Training With Sarah Robbins

It was a cold night in Detroit—I was invited to dinner to “network” with a friend and her acquaintance. What started as a friendly dinner, later turned into a prospecting meeting. You see, this friends friend had an agenda—to try to recruit me into his company that night—leveraging scare tactics—toting all the reasons I should join him, and noting all the (fake, fear-based) reasons why he believed my business would fail + why I needed to add in “one more opportunity”– I remember feeling all of the feels, but chose not to make emotional decisions.…