Hey there Rock Stars–Sarah “Rockin” Robbins here!
Today I wanted to chat about how you can help your Rock Stars get off to a great start–effectively enroll, and set the course for dynamic duplication—where the magic happens—as duplication is the key to long term success in our profession.
Since I started my business, I’ve personally prospected many people. I’ve had over 100 join my personal team, and have mentored ten top leaders who are duplicating larger organizations, allowing me to earn a multi-milllion dollar per year income. These 100 people led to a team of tens of thousands for us in a few short years. Now that’s the power of duplication—and guess what?! You can do this too! Let’s talk about how.
I believe great success starts from the very enrollment appointment. When someone expresses interest in the business, I say “Great, the next steps are to set the enrollment appointment so I can help to get you started.” I never send people to my site to enroll alone. I like to walk them through the process, ensuring they get off to a great start by enrolling for a start up package and signed up for their autoship.
After your newbie enrolls, it’s a great opportunity to congratulate them, walk them through their team and company sites, and/or training sites too! Be sure they know how to access team materials, training calls, etc. Sending them a welcome email with this information is a great idea! Be sure to set your time for training!
Training: as you work closely with new consultants during their first 30 days, I really place a lot of focus on their list and their launches:
During your first trainings you really want to focus on their list: who to invite (teach them where to look to find contacts–cell phone, facebook, company memory joggers, etc), how to invite (language) and what to invite them to (a “sponsorship series”–how to get them to a live meeting, or on a 3 way call with you).
The second thing you want to focus on is their launches–hosted at their homes, or their friends homes a they “expand their business in their area”. Your goal is to help them get their opportunity and products in front of as many people as possible their first 30 days, and help them to earn the biggest check possible! If they are local, help them do the events! If they are long distance, skype in for their events! It’s also a great idea for them to host VBL’s too (virtual business launches) via Skye, Google Chats, or programs like Instant TeleSeminar, so their friends around the globe can hear what they are up to! Be sure to teach them what to do pre-event, during the event, and how to follow up after the event!
Make sure to go over their reason “why”–discuss their goals, and company goals (any upfront bonus programs they can earn). When you focus on helping them to achieve success from the start, to help them earn their ROI immediately– it helps them to remain enthusiastic, gives them a story to share with prospects–and not to mention…this pace duplicates! There truly is power in pace–the speed of the leader, is the speed of the team!
I always remind people: you aren’t responsible for people’s ultimate success or failure–that, we can’t claim. But we ARE responsible to get them off to a good start and really help them to begin working their list, and helping them with their launches during their first 30 days. Once you’ve done that you start again with someone new, and remain available for their 3 way calls, events, and keep them plugged into the system.
Remember: the cure to what ails you in your business is always personal activity. If you have been stuck at a certain volume and were on my team I would ask you: “how many people did you personally sponsor to get to that volume?” If you said: “10”. I would say, “to double your volume, sponsor 10 or more new people”. Same is true with title: to get what you got, do what you did to get there in the first place!
Don’t ever place blame on your team: success in this profession is all about making the first “CIRCLE” work: YOU! You can’t motivate the unmotivated–after all, isn’t it easier to give birth than it is to resurrect the dead? If you truly want to be extremely successful in this profession, you will NEVER stop sponsoring and starting newbies! I spend most of my time doing this, and working with true leaders. The rest stay plugged into our system for success.
Speaking of SYSTEMS and SUCCESS: I wanted to announce the WINNERS of my LUCKY DAY GIVEAWAY:
Join me in CONGRATULATING the following Rock Stars who will be lucky recipients of my seven figure success system entitled: the “Network Marketing University” (I go way more in depth on how to train a newbie on these CDs!)– plus a whole bundle of my favorite personal and professional development materials:
Dana Kemerling Tracy
Jodi Mills
Dave Sommers
Dr. Jenifer Epstein
Caron Rivera
Be sure to inbox me your address-your goodies are on the way!
Everyone be sure to stay tuned to my FB FAN PAGE FOR MLM LEADERS for more fun giveaways! For now, YOU CAN CLICK ON THIS LINK TO OPT IN FOR A SNEAK PEEK OF MY SYSTEM HERE for a fun, free, fabulous video of my most requested training topic at some of the world’s leading MLM events I speak at!
Rock Stars–you can SO do this!
Here’s your job: PROSPECT- PRESENT- get them off to a POSITIVE START- then START AGAIN WITH SOMEONE NEW! 🙂
Rock on Rock Stars, Sarah “Rockin” Robbins
PS- “LIKE” what you read? Show me by giving me a virtual thumbs up by “liking” this post, or sharing it on your favorite social site with your team! Give me some fun comments below on ideas of how you start YOUR newbies…I’d love to learn from YOU too!
© This material is the intellectual property of Sarah Robbins, Rockin Robbins Networking Team. If you choose to use this material, please share it directly from the site. If you wish to use it for other purposes, contact Sarah directly & cite the source please! Thank you, enjoy!
About Sarah “Rockin” Robbins:
SARAH ROBBINS is a kindergarten teacher turned 7-figure annual residual income earner in network marketing, and is considered one of the world’s leading network marketing consultants. Now in the top one percent income bracket of all women in America, she began part time with no business experience and had achieved 6-figures per MONTH by age 29. She has been featured in many of the best-selling books in the network marketing profession, and is a sought after speaker at the top events in the industry. As a speaker she contributes unique insights on success, prosperity, leadership and network marketing topics, and is fulfilling her lifelong dream of helping others. You can receive her FREE VIDEO for MLM Success HERE: https://sarahrobbins.com/free-video
If you’re really serious about building a BIG business, for less than $100 you can also purchase her 7-figure Success System for home based businesses, the Network Marketing University HERE==> https://sarahrobbins.com/store
(*she’s sure it will be one of the best investments you make to ROCK your business!)