Have you seen the Disney movie, Frozen?
I’ve had many friends tell me that we should go see it, with or without children so we bought it on Apple TV the other day. Frozen is a story of 2 sisters, and there is an underlying theme of rejection and isolation.
Elsa (the older sister) had hurt her younger sister Anna. As a result of this accident, she put up walls of isolation to protect her sister, and ultimately protect herself. She lived in a place of isolation and complacency. Anna experienced horrible rejection from Elsa, but she didn’t know why.
The very walls that Elsa built to keep the bad stuff out, also kept the good stuff out (fellowship and community with others). She lived in a place of fear and isolation.
Many deal with fear (fear of people, fear of rejection, fear of what people will say, fear of what to say to people). Elsa’s fear was so great that she ran away from her community & calling, and lived in a frozen kingdom of isolation. Toward the end of the movie, LOVE and fellowship (relationship with others) was the cure to the curse.
How many of you have faced rejection and isolation in your life? You’re afraid to talk to people because you’ve built up walls. You now use the excuses; “I’m shy.” “I don’t know people.” “ I am afraid to talk to people.” “I am afraid that they may say no.” Unintentionally you put up walls that keep you from discomfort—but ultimately those very walls are also keeping good stuff out too—more fulfilling friendships and perhaps even potential business partnerships.
I used to do that—because of hurts of my past, I would use the excuse that I was “shy” and “I don’t know people” because I didn’t want to make the effort to reach out to new people, and possibly experience rejection. Until the day I was convicted…
Humans were created for fellowship and relationship. I do not believe that we were designed to be isolated or alone. You see, before I was born, I had a great destiny on my life to lead multitudes of people—and the plan on my life was so great that opposition came in so strong to tell me “you don’t know enough people. You’re shy—how are you going to speak to people, and in front of people? You might as well just quit! You don’t have what I takes!”
Instead of ultimately buying the lie, I identified the lies—and I started intentionally declaring that I loved people, and that I was moving into a season of deeper and more meaningful relationships with people. As a result, I made closer friends than I’ve had in my life—and my business ended up growing by leaps and bounds in the process.
I am amazed that God chose me to lead multitudes—after all I was “formerly shy”, broke, in my 20’s, with no network…yet today lead hundreds of thousands in our profession. Although I was not perfect, I submitted to the destiny and call on my life. Each of you have a great destiny for your life—and it’s time you demonstrate faith and courage, and choose obedience over personal preference. Say goodbye to “complacency” and “comfort”. Make new friends—meet new people—get out of your comfort zone. By pursuing meaningful relationships your life (and your business) will be blessed! You will have a more fulfilled life!
Walls you put up to keep bad stuff out also keep the good stuff out. When you let fear of talking to someone conquer you, you miss out on conquering great things! Declare that you love people, you love fellowship with people & that NOW is your season to make new friends & pursue more meaningful relationships!
“SHY” is no longer an excuse. Decide to make a breakthrough in that area of your life today & experience the fullness of joy with other people in your life! We do not thrive in isolation—we thrive in fellowship with one another.
Will you be FROZEN, or will you be FREE?
Watch this brief message from me, then afterward, read below for another little treat to help you GROW! =>
[jwplayer mediaid=”2035″]Would a faith-based teaching help you on this subject? If so, feel free to listen to our Power to Prosper Prayer Partners Call REPLAY from today=> http://tinyurl.com/FrozenOrFree
Who is Sarah Robbins? The #1 earner in her company and one of the world’s leading network marketing distributors. She is also the author of the best-selling book ROCK YOUR NETWORK MARKETING BUSINESS that you can purchase here.
If you wish to subscribe to Sarah’s newsletters for more FREE, GENERIC training for all MLM, direct sales, & network marketing professionals, you may do so here, and get a FREE BONUS VIDEO=> https://sarahrobbins.com/free-video/