Hey there rock stars!
February is our shortest month–but today on my FB business page, I launched a challenge that can help you make it your BIGGEST month in sales, yet! If you missed the live video, check it out, then read below for language and ideas to help you ROCK this challenge (and don’t forget to share it with your teams!)
The secret to success in our biz? Daily activity and consistency…over time! That is why I am issuing you the same “activity challenge” I gave to my rock stars this month (who are the #1 team in our company!) It’s simple steps–but when duplicated with your team, can create massive momentum this month!
Our Activity Challenge Consists of 3 Simple Steps:
- 200 reach outs! Make a list of 200 people you want to share your business with. Go through your phone and Facebook A-Z! Reach out to those 200 people this month! Expect “no!” If you offered 200 people any job, only 10% or less would take interest. If I asked a room full of 200 people who wants to be a teacher (my former profession), only a few raise their hands–it’s not personal rejection, it’s simply personal preference (and timing!) Guess what??? Less than that would take action! But if you keep asking, you’ll always find people to say “yes”! That’s why there is power in working through the numbers, and not taking “no” personally…In addition to tracking their 200 reach outs, some people like to track their “NO’s” as it helps to take the emotion out of “NO” and shows how many it can take to get to a “YES”, reframing your mindset around the “no”. I encourage you to set a goal to get 100 No’s as you do your reach-outs (and track them too!) This way, you’ll have a more scientific approach and understanding of how many people you’ll talk to, and how many no’s you’ll get…before you get those fabulous yeses (and the reassurance that you will get them!) You’ll understand how much activity and effort it really takes to build a big business. I always say, “What we do is simple (the process). But it requires consistent activity and discipline each day to reach out to people, and follow up!”Here’s a chart to help you keep track of the 200 contacts & the “no’s”…
CLICK HERE: Sarah Robbins Activity Challenge
(BUT WAIT…WHAT DO I SAY???) I know you’re thinking it! Keep it simple…message or call with the following sample language:“Happy New Year! Hope you and the family are doing well!” (personalize conversation based on something you see on their FB profile)…”I’m reaching out today for a reason. I’m sure you’ve seen me posting about my (new) business on Facebook. It’s actually rapidly growing in your area, which is why I’m reaching out…”
“ I know you’ve built several successful businesses in __________(OR I know you’re well networked in the __________ area). I respect you. I was wondering if I could treat you to coffee (or a virtual coffee with a starbucks card and a chat on the phone), & share with you what I’m doing, and pick your brain on ideas of how to grow this there. I’d also like to see if you know people who you think may be interested. Just a few minutes is all I need, and I am always happy to return the favor for you in any way! Plus, it would be great to catch up!”
The goal is to get them on the phone to share your “story” (your why) then the company “Story”, and tell them what you’re looking for…. or invite them to coffee or an upcoming event to learn more! When you do this, you have a captive audience…and who knows??? They may be interested, or tell you someone who may be!
- 3 events: Next, commit to host at least 3 events this month to help build your business with customers and partners. Keep them fun, and invite your team to plug in their perspective customers and distributors. Whether they are live events or virtual Facebook events, events are a great way to get new people interested and engaged, and to continue to build belief for your team! (*training for events can be found when using the search feature on this site)! I recommend at least one of these be a Facebook event, to cater to your team and customers, and perspective team and customers that may be out of state! Set your dates now, and start inviting!
3. 1 Post Per Day! Be active on social media…If you haven’t already, learn how to leverage social media, on my FREE 1-hour social media summit, which you can view click clicking HERE! Commit to regular posting!
Well, there you have it….don’t overcomplicate this! Keep it simple, and get your team into this level of activity, and what will happen next will amaze you…
These simple steps are perfect for a FAST START, or FRESH START in February!
FOR THE ULTIMATE ACTIVITY CHALLENGE=> if you want to 10X your business, take ROCKSTART with us the ULTIMATE CHALLENGE TO #RYNMB this year…it starts Thursday (last day to register) and goes through February. We will have daily activity goals (rich with language and ideas given in our private facebook group), accountability, and a MASTERCLASS with me that will help you RYNMB this year. Register now, or learn more, here: https://sarahrobbins.com/store/rockstart-get-you-your-team-off-to-a-rockin-start/
*SHOUT* below if you’re taking the challenge, and be sure to *SHARE* on your team pages!
“Like” today’s training? Get more of it in my best-selling book Rock Your Network Marketing Business!
And don’t forget to “Share” this with your team–after all, our business is all about duplication!