RockSTART! Get You (+ Your Team) Off to a ROCKIN Start!
1 Hour 45 Min Webinar With Sarah Robbins
1 hour and 45 minute webinar

Ready to rockSTART?!
I’m Sarah Robbins–I’ve personally sponsored over 300 people–who have replicated a team of over 300,000 and done over a billion dollars in sales–largely because of our proven, replicating system to start others strong. I’ve built one of the strongest personal teams industry-wide and I want to teach you how..
Do you want to know exactly how I train a new consultant?
Whether you are new and starting, or whether you want a fresh start or re-start, or if you’re a leader who wants to learn a proven system to start a new distributor strong, this program is for you!
This program includes:
A 1 hour and 45 minute masterclass on the “fast start: how to get your business off to a rockin start”: If you want to learn a step by step system on how to start successfully, and help others do the same, this program is for you!
Are you ready to get your business off to a rockin start?
Or perhaps you struggle with how to get your team off to a fast start?
I did too–
But once I mastered this skillset, I personally recruited over 300 consultants, we duplicated to a team of over 300,00–and I have one of the strongest personally sponsored teams in the entire profession as it relates to direct top leaders.
In this masterclass I will teach you:
-keys to effective enrollment
-my exact system to start a new distributor strong
(which helped me build one of the strongest leadership teams industry wide)
-exact steps to dynamic duplication to build a large team
-daily activity, accountability, and so much more!
If you want to get your business off to a ROCKIN start, and help others do the same, this class if for you!

This item is included in the Rock Star Recruiting School University. Where you will get all of Sarah’s training at the deepest discount. The Rock Star Recruiting School University is an online portal to Sarah's entire success system and training vault. This one-time fee university provides all the material you need to help"rock your network marketing business!" Upgrade your purchase and training expenses by purchasing the Rock Star University now.