“What will people think of me“??? Struggle with the disease to please?
Listen to this brief video message then read below the video for more=>
*NOTE: The video may be more business specific, but the blog text below it will bless anyone that is wanting to learn and grow in this area!
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Let’s face it–in our business we face a LOT of rejection–people telling us “no”, people who leave the business, people who have opinions about the business, and some people may not celebrate our success or support our excitement along the way!
How we respond to opposition affects our outcome. If I were to “give up” every time someone said “no” or spoke out against me I would have missed out on the greatest blessings that I am experiencing today in my life. If you plan on doing great things in your life, opposition will come–you can’t control that. What you can control is how you respond to it. We have to respond to people with grace, love, and humility. Humility is the ability to not be moved by their flattery OR rejection.
A few years ago, I had a colleague sit me down and tell me all the reasons why “no one liked me” and “everyone was saying X, Y, Z” about me… First of all, let me say that when people say “everyone is saying” it simply isn’t true. “Everyone” doesn’t know you, and most aren’t aware (nor do they care) what is going on. It is typical for a person who is dealing with their own insecurities to try to project a greater picture of opposition onto you so you step down from what you are doing. It’s sad–I wasted time in my life worried about what a few people thought of me–versus the majority who love me, and were waiting for me to lead.
I’ve learned my lesson–I have decided that I will no longer suffer from the “disease to please”. I simply won’t water down my leadership or dim my light in order to make others feel more comfortable in complacency, and keep them trapped in their own insecurities. Who does that serve?
This situation turned out to be one of the greatest blessings in my life. I faced a fork in the road that day that gave me the opportunity to grow, learn, and learn to respond. Initially I wanted to defend myself, gain her approval, and “fix everything”. That wasn’t God’s plan. For 2 years I allowed myself to go through a journey of healing– finding out WHO I was (my value, which wasn’t dependent on other’s opinions.) It turned out to be one of the greatest lessons of my lifetime, which prepared me for an even greater platform of leadership (the more you lead and succeed, the more you’ll face people who don’t like you).
Instead of cursing the problem I had with this gal, I celebrate the outcome today, and one day I am confident that I will have the opportunity to tell her “thank you” for saving my life and leadership–because it was that moment of opposition that caused me to pursue deeper relationships with God, and those in my life who truly loved me–unconditionally. It was the “refining fire” that polished me up, and caused me to pursue deeper and more meaningful things in my life. It motivated me to become a more effective leader, and in turn, I’ve experienced a greater measure of success– I’ve grown in wisdom, confidence and peace (that’s not dependent on other’s) as a result. What a GIFT! I truly am grateful to her for what she’s given me, those I love, and those I lead, as a result of how the opposition forced me to grow. I love her, I honor her, I forgive her–and I pray the same blessings over her business and family that I do for mine.
I can gladly say that I am at peace with who I am and nothing will keep me from loving and leading people. Now this isn’t to say that feelings of rejection never pop up–in fact, the other day a gentleman called to tell me what someone was saying about me. Instead of getting all bent out of shape, I wrote him a loving message saying “If it’s not affecting the people I lead, or affecting how I lead, please don’t share negativity with me. I choose to dwell on positive things and remain in peace.”
If you truly believe you are destined for great things you will have to accept that trials will come your way. Not everyone will appreciate your product or opportunity–not everyone will approve of your leadership. Not everyone will celebrate you. You will have to be “tougher than teflon” if you want to do greater things in your life, and live a life of meaning. In order to be blessed with greater influence and authority, you will have to “pass the tests” that come your way before you can be promoted. How you respond to the “1” hater will be the very thing that will propel you to the next promotion in leading many more people (with many more opinions).
People can’t offend me–I have decided that I will no longer give them that power. I won’t allow them that energy. I need every ounce of my energy and time to pursue my great destiny of influencing thousands of lives for the better on my team, and building orphanages and rescuing kids in need around the world! Don’t allow offense or opposition to steal your peace, or distract you from your destiny and what you’re supposed to be doing today. Why would you quit? Think of all the lives that would be affected negatively (those I love, and those I lead) if I allowed 1 person to talk me into quitting…what if I decided to “buy the lie?”
Don’t be surprised if the favor and blessing that is on your life stirs up opposition in other people. It’s not your problem. There is something that needs to be worked out in them (their own insecurity). You keep building–keep sharing–keep encouraging–keep loving–keep leading–keep shining. Nobody talks about those who quit (that’s what “they” want you to do)–people talk about “winners”. Finish your race & give them something to truly talk about! (smile) I believe in you–GREATER things are ahead!
Lovers will love, haters will hate– do GOOD anyway!
Know someone who needs this? “Share” it!
PS- If you would like faith-based teaching to dig deeper into this discussion, we talked about this topic on my generic prayer call today (hosted live Monday mornings.) You may enjoy the replay=> 712-432-1085 code 511478# OR
Listen online: http://tinyurl.com/WhatIsGodsPlanForME (*excuse the brief moment of audio difficulty–it does clear up so remain on the line! )
I was also sent a fabulous message on this topic (by no coincidence I received this the same day I preached about this topic)=> http://www.joelosteen.com/Pages/ThisWeeksMessage.aspx *(the message is #609 – “Keep your walls up”, in case the link does not direct you straight to it.)
Who is Sarah Robbins? The #1 earner in her company and one of the world’s leading network marketing distributors. She is also the author of the best-selling book ROCK YOUR NETWORK MARKETING BUSINESS that you can purchase here.
If you wish to subscribe to Sarah’s newsletters for more FREE, GENERIC training for all MLM, direct sales, network marketing professionals, you may do so here, and get a FREE BONUS VIDEO=> https://sarahrobbins.com/free-video/