
Posts tagged "reaction"

Every Monday morning at 11 am ET I host a Power to Prosper Prayer Call => prayer for people in the market place who want to power up their business, and their results! (You’re always welcome to listen in live on Mondays at 11 am ET: Dial: (712)432-0075 code: 511478#)

“Interestingly” for the first time in years, our call had audio issues, and the lines dropped twice. When I face this type of resistance, I don’t view it as a sign to back down–resistance causes me to “ramp up” as I know victory is ahead. So I wanted to share an abbreviated version of today’s talk with you on RESPONDING versus REACTING…

We all have a choice to remain rooted and grounded in our responding…

When we get that text that starts our day off wrong; when we get that call that totally ticks us off; when we get that email that grates our last nerve; when we have someone come against us wrongfully; we have a choice to REACT or we can choose to RESPOND.…