
Posts tagged "handling objections in network marketing"

How to Handle Objections In Network Marketing

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“Like” today’s training? Get more of it in my best-selling book Rock Your Network Marketing Business!

(*If you’ve got the book I’d love to see your selfies where you #RYNMB! Share on your social sites!)

And don’t forget to “Share” this with your team–after all, our business is all about duplication!


Today’s objection- “I don’t know enough people to be successful in network marketing!”

Yesterday’s blog addressed the objection “I’m not a salesperson!” In part 4 of the “Objection Series” we will address the objection “I don’t know anyone!”, or “I don’t have a large network!”, or “I don’t know anyone I can share this with!”

This is an objection I can personally relate to, because when I started my business I was a shy, broke, kindergarten teacher. I didn’t have a large network–most of my friends were young like me! Through personal and professional development I was able to establish a network, make new friendships (the most rewarding part of my business), and today I am a top network marketing leader, and we are six-figure MONTHLY earners (and the #1 earners in our company!)…