Curious on how to do Facebook events effectively in network marketing? Look no further! Today’s training will teach you how to ROCK your network marketing business leveraging Facebook Events!
Watch this video, then look below for additional tips and challenges:
[jwplayer mediaid=”3516″]TIPS on Facebook events…
These FUN events will be online on a FB events page (convenient for those you invite) and a perfect opportunity for people to hear more about your company from the comfort of their home. Talk briefly about the products, the business, share incredible success stories, and do giveaways too! Share like you would at a home event, but this time via live video on Facebook, leveraging FB live, in your events (on your iPhone or iPad).
Teach your team who to invite, how to invite, the importance of follow up, and to be on the event to welcome guests and monitor their questions and comments.We encourage interaction during the event and ask our team to post comments and testimonials throughout.
PERSONALLY invite people using Instant Message or send by text message, with the event details. DO NOT (I repeat) do not mass add people–it’s spamming and feels yucky! If you add them to the event, be sure it comes with a personal message/invitation. When you personally message them to invite them for best results, they will truly feel invited, and not “spammed”.
Here is some suggested invitation language for a Virtual Facebook Event, along with images of your event/prizes, etc.
Private message to personally invite and get the best response….
You are invited! Put your jammies on, login and get ready for a fast-paced, fun, online Facebook event that takes place right in front of your computer, to help you see what the buzz about (Your co name) is all about! It’s going to be fun, informative, and interactive. We will be giving away designer prizes too!
I have a few limited spots available and I’m hoping you’d like to drop in, no purchase necessary! Please private message me if you’re interested and I’ll send you the event link via Facebook.
Message me for more info and your personal invitation
=>IF THEY SAY YES OR INQUIRE….send a quick thank you and say something like: “Awesome! I’ll add you to the “name of event page.” You’ll find it under your events tab on Facebook. All you have to do is accept by clicking “going” in order to participate… I’ll IM you to remind you on the day of the event.”
Learn more about our award-winning products and opportunity from the comfort of your home! Have a chance to win designer goodies from Kendra Scott, Kate Spade, and Tory Burch, no purchase necessary!
*Once you are added to the page and you accept the invitation by clicking “going”, you can then add your guests by clicking “invite” and adding them (they will have to “accept” the invite by clicking “going” to be officially added, and to view the presentation when it goes LIVE!) That’s why a personal invite is necessary so they know they’ve been invited and what to do….verses you just mass adding people (which just doesn’t work!!!)
*When you’re ready to start the event, click “go live” from your phone or iPad, inside of the event! Present as you would in-person, but behind your screen! I suggest setting up a “test page” or “dummy page” beforehand to practice before your actual event on the event page!
*Encourage your team to come with a guest and make it worth the time, and use this event to build their business! This can be a customer, a perspective customer or perspective consultant.
*REMINDER: INSTANT MESSAGE On the morning of the event.
* Have them “refresh” their screen when the event begins so they see the “live” video. Be available by text if they have troubles. But bottom line, if they don’t “See” you at the start time, tell them be sure they accepted the invite, and they refreshed their page! ☺
*The goal is: you show your team how to host these, and then duplicate these events regularly! FB live is like a virtual business launch event…I just do a business launch behind my iphone or ipad, go to the event, and I go “live” using FB live to present for you! ☺ I’m like Vannah White, holding up the products behind my screen! You and your guests can watch from any computer, tablet, or smart phone!
*Idea for your your team to tune in… Hold a virtual viewing party at your house or a local place! Invite your friends to watch from your home with you! Serve refreshments! And have fun sampling the products live for them as we go through them, and stream in on your computer!
*I encourage you to answer questions when you see them posted and to be encouraging (IF you know the answer), share your results or customer results with each product showcased. Be positive. Save your questions for training times, as this is an opportunity for guests to learn more and ask questions, not a training!
Hope this helps YOU rock your network marketing business via Facebook events!
Post below with your comments or questions (no company names please) I will try to get to them all asap!
LIKE IT? Don’t forget to “SHARE IT” with your team on your team pages, etc! XO