Rock Stars,
There are 7 days left to FINISH STRONG!
Whether you are going for title goals, promotions, helping your team achieve their goals…or you simply want to “Beat Your Best” month, there is plenty of time left! 7 days= 1/4 of the month!
Watch today’s month end tips, and don’t forget to “Share” them with your rock stars on your team pages!
Below the video you’ll find my fun seasonal invite!
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It’s not too late to put together a quick “Ghouls night out” for your friends this Halloween weekend, and text out a fun, informal invite!
My poem (keep in mind I am in a skincare company so you’d have to modify it to meet your needs):
(Ghouls night out! or a “Spooky spa party” over Halloween weekend! )
It’s time for a Ghoulish Girls’ Night!The Big Girl Version of “Trick or Treating…
You are Invited…
Mirror mirror on the wall.
The visible signs of aging are the scariest of all!
Join us for a “Ghouls-night out” with tricks and treats,
Skincare, surprises, food, drinks, and sweets!
Creepy Cocktails and Ghoulish Goodies for you…
Skincare solutions for everyone too!
So tuck those little goblins in bed for the night…
join us goulishly gorgeous gals for some fun, & a fright!
Hope you enjoyed these fun and festive tips!
Have more? Share them below (without mentioning company names please!)
#FINISHSTRONG and Finish early and strong so you can have a frightfully good night on Oct 31 with your little pumpkins!
“Like” today’s training? Get more of it in my best-selling book Rock Your Network Marketing Business!
And don’t forget to “Share” this with your team–after all, our business is all about duplication!