Sarah Robbins blog

Network Marketing, Changing Lives Around The Globe


I’m getting extremely excited for the upcoming edition of Networking Times Magazine (our profession’s leading publication for Network Marketing Professionals). It will be talking about network marketers as social entrepreneurs!

Sir Richard Branson says as social entrepreneurs “We are stimulated by the desire to ensure business has a purpose beyond profit, also focusing upon people and the planet.” I believe many network marketing professionals and companies fit this description perfectly.

When I began my network marketing career, I was a kindergarten teacher who made an impact on the lives of the children in my classroom, but always had a dream of influencing many children’s lives around the world. Network marketing was a vehicle for us that provided the time freedom to volunteer and travel, as well as the financial freedom to contribute to causes that aligned with this vision.

We recently traveled with friends to open up orphanages in India. The entire time we remarked that if it weren’t for our network marketing business, we wouldn’t have been able to take the time off of work to go—much less could we have afforded cost of travel alone. We are so excited for our future plans to work with children around the globe! We are dreaming big!

It takes time and resources to make a great impact on the world, which is why I believe many social entrepreneurs are attracted to the network marketing profession as a vehicle to provide that. I look at my team alone, and the stories of people who are helping orphans, adopting children, feeding the hungry, and contributing to outstanding causes come in on a regular basis. In fact, our company holds nominations for special awards at our conventions to highlight the stories of those who are changing lives in a significant way.

Across our profession we see these stories as well—Jordan Adler, an author and top network marketing leader who donates the proceeds of his books to Kiva. My friend, Donna Johnson who started her own foundation called Spirit Wings Kids charity. Many companies give to people in need, and worthy causes on a regular basis. Ours has their own foundation to which they give a portion of their sales to very worthy causes. As distributors, we are also able to give and be a part of their mission of changing lives.

To be truly successful in the networking profession, one must have a passion to change lives, beyond their own. Your pour your time and talent into those you mentor, to help them find their purpose. As you obtain your own success you now have the time and resources above what you had to serve a greater purpose in the world.

My husband and I retired from our traditional careers in our 20’s, thanks to our network marketing business. People often ask us “you could retire from your network marketing business today—what keeps you going?” My response: “there’s still many more adult lives to be changed through our business model, and there’s many more little children’s lives to change all around the world! Network marketing is the vehicle that will take us there!”

Not to mention, it would be pretty boring to be completely retired at age 30, wouldn’t it? We are having far too much fun!

==> I’d love to hear from you: what are you or people on your team doing to contribute to worthy causes? I’d love to have more stories to share as to why network marketing leaders ARE social entrepreneurs. See you in the comments section below!

This material is the intellectual property of Sarah Robbins, Rockin Robbins Networking Team. If you choose to use this material, please share it directly from the site. If you wish to use it for other purposes, contact Sarah directly! Thank you and enjoy!



About Sarah “Rockin” Robbins:

SARAH ROBBINS is a kindergarten teacher turned 7-figure annual residual income earner in network marketing, and is considered one of the world’s leading network marketing consultants. Now in the top one percent income bracket of all women in America, she began part time with no business experience and had achieved 6-figures per MONTH by age 29. As a speaker she contributes unique insights on success, prosperity, leadership and network marketing topics, and is fulfilling her lifelong dream of helping others. You can receive her FREE VIDEO for MLM Success HERE

If you’re really serious about building a BIG business, for less than $100 you can also purchase her 7-figure Success System for home based businesses, the Network Marketing University HERE==>

(*she’s sure it will be one of the best investments you make to ROCK your business!)