Sarah Robbins blog

Day 3- 30 Day Challenge To Rock Your Network Marketing Business


Rock Stars! It’s day 3! Are you with me?! #RYNMB30 (30 Days To Rock Your Network Marketing Business!) It’s not too late to join us! Start your 30 days on whatever day you find this challenge! For more info, and for a tracking sheet CLICK HERE!

For those who know my story you know that I was a formerly shy teacher in her 20’s when I found the network marketing profession. I went from being the least highest earner, to the #1 earner in my company, and was earning six-figures per month by the age of 29 years old! Although it may sound impressive and glamorous, I can assure you that my journey was far from glamorous–I was shy, young, and broke. All of my friends were young and broke like me. Through my committment to personal and professional growth, I was able to establish a system and get others off to a great start. Now I’ve mentored many six- and seven-figure annual earners on my team! I share this simple system in my best-selling book Rock Your Network Marketing Business! 

In the book I share my story–successes and failures, achievements and disappointments. I give a ton of power prospecting ideas, language /scripts. I also share how many people I had to talk to (thousands), how many I recruited (hundreds), and how many people went on to a good portion of our team (3)!

If you are taking this challenge, and really plan on being successful, I believe in setting proper expectations of what it could take for you to be successful as you are working through your own set of odds. Therefore, I want to share a 30-minute talk (my most requested when I’m asked to do speaking engagements) on what it takes to build big–you’ll learn more about your odds (which will help to establish proper expectations), as well as some fun power-prospecting ideas that you can implement during the 30 Day Challenge!

I am sharing this video on a weekend, as that’s when I like to catch up on my professional development and video type trainings. Get cozy, watch it at your leisure this weekend, and enjoy! Then, please leave a comment on YouTube sharing what you learned, and to stay accountable share what best practices you plan on implementing during the challenge!

Watch, enjoy, and then “share” with your team to inspire them, and don’t forget to comment with what you’ve learned! I will read them all! =>