The Network Marketing University That Will Help You To Reach Your Goals, Impact More People And Make More Money QUICKLY!


Network Marketing University On-Demand Video Training

Sarah’s Entire Success System and Training Vault

24/7 access to ALL of Sarah Robbins’ popular training sessions, designed to help you take your network marketing business to the next level!

Learn How One Of The Strongest Leadership Teams In The Profession Was Built That Currently Yields Over A BILLON Dollars In Sales!  And HOW You Can Use This Same Strategy In Your Own Organization And Business 


When I started my career in this incredible industry of network marketing, I was facing the loss of the job I absolutely loved. As a kindergarten and first grade teacher, my passion was found in helping little ones and leading them in the most formative of years. As I began to pursue how to supplement this income, I was led to network marketing. Starting very part time, my passion collided with my heart in helping others to fulfill their dreams, while creating financial independence for myself.

My husband Phil was also affected by the local economy, and his landscape construction business was hit hard. This is when we dove into the deep end with my part time business and we talked about going full time with it.

But at first, I was skeptical. Have you ever felt like maybe you weren’t a good fit for a small business? Here I was a shy teacher in my 20’s, living in a depressed economy, and I was pursuing my dreams in network marketing? Little did I know that this was the best foundation for such a career move! And I fell in love with the concept that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results with this model.

This is why I want to help YOU!
The strong systems that I not only established, but also implemented with my entire team has built something that went way beyond just my dreams. It became MUCH BIGGER than just me. My teacher’s salary was replaced by the end of the school year, I was able to retire and before I knew it, after 5 years, a 6 figure MONTHLY income became my regular salary! Many people on my team were doing the same and we saw growth beyond anything we had expected!

Today we are the TOP EARNER’s in our company and it’s our passion to help anyone who wants to break through their challenges into the profit zone. My proven “Rockstar System” is positioned to help anyone in any company find success with a proven program that can help you “Rock Your Network Marketing Business”!



INTRODUCING: The Network Marketing UNIVERSITY: Where ordinary people are making extraordinary income!

$1773 value! TODAY ONLY $997
Lifetime Access



Here is what you get with Network Marketing UNIVERSITY:

Demystifying the "Big Build"

Demystifying The Big Build
(Learn Exactly What It Takes To Build BIG In Network Marketing!)

In this session you’ll discover how I went from being a product promoter to a power prospector, putting me at the top of the leader board in recruiting every year.

One of the best ways to increase your income in this industry is to have STRONG PEOPLE working with you. Customers build you strong linear income, but LEADERS will build you leveraged income!

With this shift, we went from being the “least highest earner” to the #1 income earner in our company! You’ll learn how to make the shift yourself, and will be equipped to break records and fully understand how to “build big”.

What this course will cover:

  • Earn more bonus pool checks!
  • Tap into your companies car bonus and other bonus options!
  • Help others to build a big powerful team, too!
  • Cut down your hours and double your income!




Rock Your Recruiting + Power Up Your Prospecting, Masterclass
(My Exact Blueprint For How I Recruited HUNDREDS Of New Distributors Into My Network Marketing Company)

Learn in this Master Class on RECRUITING how I personally recruited 300 people into our company–which led to the building of a 300,000 person team and over a BILLION dollars in sales in one year!

What the course will cover:

  • Ideas of ways to meet new people
  • Language and ideas to reach out to your existing network, without “bugging people!”
  • You’ll learn exactly what to say when power prospecting
  • Get language on how to present your business powerfully
  • Learn how to get people OUT of your funnel and INTO your business, and RECRUIT LIKE A ROCK STAR!



Power Presenting, Masterclass
(Discover How To Share Your Company + Product Story Powerfully and Professionally, In Any Setting!)

This Course Is My Blueprint For How We Host POWERFUL Events Online + In Person–and Actually Close New Customers + Distributors On The Spot!

What the course will cover:

  • Share Your Story In Such a Way That is Compelling, Believable, and Engaging
  • Share Your Company Story So Powerfully That People Buy Your Products and Join Your Team
  • Master the Art Of 3-Way Calls (the BEST tool in the business to conquer the close and provide social proof)
  • Confidently Present Over Casual Coffee Meetings
  • Present Powerfully Over Phone Conversations (and now with technology take it up a notch with face to face interaction with tools like Skype, FaceTime or Zoom)
  • Host Successful Meetings Online and In Person
  • Put On Powerful In-Home Events
  • Conduct Successful Business Launches for Yourself + Your Team (From Start To Close)
  • Host HOT Virtual Events (the #1 thing I added to my business last year) + So Much More!

If you want to PRESENT yourself, your company, and your products POWERFULLY, this class is for YOU!

Learn exactly WHAT to say, HOW to say it, and WHERE you’ll have the most success! We will leave no stone unturned as we cover events– beginning to end—from how to successfully invite, the setup, what to present, and how to conquer the close!



Conquer the Close, Masterclass
(Discover How To Crush Common Objections, Increase Your Conversions + Close Confidently! These Simple Techniques Caused Me To Be One of the Top “Closers” In My Company!)

Let me teach you how to answer questions, handle objections, and “conquer the close”–bringing people out of your prospecting pipeline and into your business as a customer or business partner!

What the course will cover:

  • Crush the most common objections
  • Assume the sale and ask for the order or enrollment
  • Conquer the “Close” in every setting–whether on a call, at coffee, meeting or event!

So everyone joins you as a customer, consultant, or a “connector” after they hear what you do!

+ So Much More!

If you want to increase your conversions, handle objections with confidence, and conquer the close (assume the sale, + ask for the enrollment), this class is for you!



Rock Start, a “Fast Start” Masterclass
(Get Your Team Off To a Rockin’ Start! This Simple “Fast Start” System Led Us To Build a Team Of Over 300,000 Distributors STRONG!)

Do you want to know exactly how I train a new consultant?

Whether you are new and starting, or whether you want a fresh start or re-start, or if you’re a leader who wants to learn a proven system to start a new distributor strong, this program is for you!

What the course will cover:

  • Keys to effective enrollment
  • My exact system to start a new distributor strong (which helped me build one of the strongest leadership teams industry wide)
  • Simple steps to dynamic duplication to build a large team
  • Daily activity, accountability, and so much more!

If you want to get your business off to a ROCKIN start, and help others do the same, this class if for you!



Supersize Your Selling In Direct Selling, Masterclass
(Learn How We Built a BILLION Dollar Per Year Sales Team! You’ll Discover Ideas and Language To Get and KEEP Customers! The Majority Of Our Volume Comes From Customers!)

Are you ready to SUPERSIZE your SALES? Get ready!

What the course will cover:

  • Secrets to supersize your sales in your network marketing business
  • Ideas and language on how to acquire more customers
  • Strategy on how to keep your customers buying for the long term
  • And how to replicate these strategies with your team to create a SUPERSTAR SALES ORGANIZATION!!!

BONUS TRAINING: We will also share expert strategy on how to convert your customers to become some of your BEST business partners in your business! The majority of our distributors started as happy customers, first!



Social Media that Sells Master Class!
(My #1 Selling Masterclass! How To Build BIG, Online!)

Are you ready to ROCK your recruiting ONLINE? Get ready!
What this course will cover:

  • Ideas of ways to meet new people online.
  • Language and ideas of how to reach out online + take it offline!
  • Ideas of power posts that have people coming to YOU to buy your products & join your team!
  • How to get great engagement & beat the algorithms!
  • How to sell without “selling” on social media!
  • Leverage live video
  • Rock Facebook posts + Facebook stories– Instagram Posts + Instagram stories!
  • Master the art of prospecting on Facebook and Instagram and RECRUIT LIKE A ROCK STAR + SUPERSIZE YOUR SALES!
  • Plus—How to leverage social media to build a rockin’ team:
    • Host HOT virtual events (the #1 addition to my business recently! I’ll show how!)
    • Use social media to train, engage, and motivate your team!
  • And so much more…you won’t want to miss this!
  • The majority of my leads come online with NO PAID ADVERTISING! I want to teach you exactly how!

No matter your skillset online—beginning, intermediate, or advanced, I want to make this EASY for you!


BUT THAT’S NOT ALL! I believe in your success so much I’m going to throw in my best selling classes to help you to achieve your own personal dreams!

$1,773 VALUE! For ONLY $997


And for a LIMITED TIME, I’m including this bonus material too!


Prospecting Language and Ideas Guide (Exactly WHERE To Find People + WHAT To Say!)

Scripts, downloads and more!

Rock Star Deluxe MP3’s


This best-selling combo includes:

  • “Network Marketing University MP3’s”
  • Seven Figure Success System for Network Marketing
  • Six Audio Sessions with Sarah Robbins, Totaling 153 Minutes

Network Marketing University, Master Class Edition MP3’s


  • Advanced Training for Network Marketing Leaders
  • Three Audio Session with Sarah Robbins, Totaling 148 Minutes


About Sarah Robbins

Sarah Robbins is a Network Marketing ROCK STAR! She started her business as a shy, young kindergarten teacher–and today is one of the top income earners in the Network Marketing Profession, globally. Sarah’s rise to the top was nothing short of record-breaking.

She has personally sponsored over 300 distributors, they have a team of over 300,000 on their team in total–and together do over one BILLION dollars in sales per year!

Sarah is also the best-selling author of “Rock Your Network Marketing Business”–and a sought after keynote speaker and trainer.

By popular demand she created this University–to train aspiring Network Marketing ROCK STARS to “walk out their why”–no matter the company or product, this program is for you…


We’ve left nothing unturned and are giving it all to YOU for a ridiculous ONE TIME FEE!

Let’s make your dreams a reality and give you a ROCK STAR lifestyle you can share with those you love and are building a future with!

$1773 value! TODAY ONLY $997
Lifetime Access