Online Events For Network Marketing
1 hr + 45 min Training With Sarah Robbins
Virtual Events For Network Marketing Master Class!
(What Every Network Marketer MUST Know In 2019…)
Millennials: Millennials are the largest consumer group today (+ our future leaders)–your company’s next wave of momentum will be built on the millennial market! Most of these prospective customers and consultants communicate online–and desire to influence socially online! This business model is perfect for millennials–we must be where they are.
Global Growth: Let’s talk about global growth (across the country + overseas!)–when it comes to building globally, gone are the days that you must be on an airplane to be effective (thank goodness!) So how can you be where your prospects are? Prospect + present online!
It’s Just Smart Business: No to mention the way people receive information in general is changing in the digital age!
Everyone is online–so if you’re not promoting and presenting your business online, you are missing out! Join Sarah Robbins + Emily Yost (two of network marketings fastest growing millennial leaders) as they teach you how to grow your business exponentially, and globally through online events–on Facebook and Instagram! This one training could help you 10x your network marketing business!
Are you ready to ROCK your recruiting online? Get ready!
In this webinar you will unlock how to…
ROCK Instagram Events!
Rock Facebook Events!
Launch Your Business Locally + Virtually, Simultaneously!
From set up to the live event, learn how to present powerfully all online!
No matter your experience level in social media, THIS IS FOR YOU!
In 2019 you can either put this in the “that’s too hard bucket” or to say in order to remain relevant and reach the masses, become a student of this topic and have a competitive edge–crack this market–and take the lead as we expand the millennial market, global markets, and beyond! In this day and age mastering virtual is a MUST–those who go first, have the most opportunity! It’s time to ROCK YOUR NETWORK MARKETING BUSINESS in 2019 and beyond!